Thus, it should not be surprising to us that the word for our highest form of prayer and worship in our Church, “Eucharist”, means “thanksgiving.” Thanksgiving is meant to be a way of life for a Christian. This week we celebrate a national holiday, Thanksgiving Day, for our nation’s founding fathers and mothers knew how important it is that we give thanks to God, as individuals and as a nation. You are encouraged to spend time on Thanksgiving Day, praying in thanksgiving to God. Our Masse of Thanksgiving will be: Wednesday, November 24, 5:30 p.m. at Christ the Good Shepherd, Saginaw
The little “blue books” with Advent Scripture readings and reflections are available at each of the Church entrances this weekend. Please take one home and use it to spiritually prepare yourself for the coming of Christ and the Feast of Christmas. If you are not able to come to Church to get your copy, please call the parish office and arrangements will be made to get a copy to your home.