As we have had a pause in the 5:30 Saturday Vigil Mass at Christ the Good Shepherd during these darker days of the year, we will be starting this Mass time back up beginning next Saturday February 15th. Just a heads up of what will be occurring starting next weekend.
There will be another slight change to occur as well. Confessions/Reconciliation will happen on Saturdays from 3:00 to 3:45 at Holy Family and will not be scheduled after the 5:30 Mass at Christ the Good Shepherd. This time on Saturday is open to both Parishes and it’s a time that’s more convenient, because you can go to Confession before Mass begins and then be able to receive Holy Communion.
I have two Saturday Vigil Masses and this is something that most Priests do not have or, if they do, they have the assistance of other Priests to help them. As a result, I have to change the schedule for the Sacrament of Confession/Reconciliation on Saturdays to just the 3:00 hour.
It was easier to do things like this when Christ the Good Shepherd had multiple Priests, but now it’s just me at Christ the Good Shepherd in addition to Holy Family.